But I love the Canadian wilderness.
Village Idiot
JoinedPosts by Village Idiot
New Avatar, Same Old Me
by Simon insomeone decided to make their avatar almost identical to my old one so i changed mine to avoid any confusion.. <- so lookout for this anytime you want to read some "amazing words of wisdom" from now on :d.
Village Idiot
Women's March in Germany: Allah Akbar!
by Saename ini just found something interesting... i found a video of a group of people shouting, "allah akbar!
" while protesting in berlin, germany.
it was the women's march.. praise allah for this one-minute recording:.
Village Idiot
I found a video of a group of people shouting, "Allah Akbar!" while protesting in Berlin, Germany. It was the Women's March.
I saw the video and I've got this to say:
There was no group of women shouting Alla Akbar there was only one. Everybody else was shouting "pussy grabs back.
It's obvious that the women at that protest were Liberals.
The one individual that made that shout was being looked at with disdain. It is likely that she was being sarcastic.
SJW thinking on the right: The lack of agency
by bohm inthe nut-left got a dilemma with islamic terrorism: on one hand their natural instinct is to defend muslims from any (perceived) attack on islam and on the other hand radical islam is shock full of values that are 100% opposed to everything they believe: the nut-left would simply be stoned to death in a country which properly followed sharia law.. how do you fix the cognitive dissonance?
well, the standard script includes the following items:.
first, you don't really defend sharia, at least not in its entirety, but spend time talking about the evils of the west, in particular, israel.
Village Idiot
The right generally aren't the ones actually threatening and attacking people.
- A couple, who were at the infamous Bundy ranch incident went, sometime later, to an eating establishment in Nevada with a shopping cart full of weapons. They shot and killed two policemen; draped their bodies with a Gadsden flag (The Tea Party's flag with the rattle snake); and said that the revolution has just begun. Afterwards they went to a shopping mall were they told everyone to leave and then the girlfriend shot her boyfriend and committed suicide.
- A man went to a Unitarian church with a shotgun, killed two and wounded seven. He later said that Liberals must die and that he went to that church because he couldn't reach Liberal politicians. Unitarians are known to be Liberals. This man had political books in his home which included Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly.
- A white supremacist shot and killed six victims at a Sikh temple before he was shot by a police officer. He survived the shooting and immediately committed suicide.
- A mosque in Florida was set afire.
Those, and more, are the ones that made the news.
What I miss about going out in service.
by compound complex inwell, very little, to be honest.
the structure and commitment of the ministry provided discipline necessary to my life.
therefore, i did it, as required, and felt some sense of fulfillment at the bible study stage.. i do like talking to people.
Village Idiot
Unfortunately, I was able to convert two persons at my high school. It wasn't field service per se and I did not count my hours (as I could have) but it amounted to the same thing.
I was an introverted person who found it extremely difficult to engage others in a normal conversation. Like most others, introverted or not, I wanted to simply count my time placing magazines.
In actual field service I got to the point where I was beginning to have anxiety attacks. One night I was with a brother approaching people in a retail establishment's parking lot. We were scaring people who apparently feared that we might be robbers. I ended up telling that brother that there was "something wrong with this". He agreed with me thinking that I was referring to myself, not our being there.
Trumps Inaugural Address - Comparisons
by azor ini thought i would start a new post about trumps inaugural address.
has anyone here seen "the new pope"?
jude law gave a stirring performance playing the pope.
Village Idiot
At least he spoke in (mostly) coherent sentences. It would be great if someone could synch his mouth with an old Hitler speech, or vice versa.
I've noticed that when Trump speaks coherently it's because he's repeating what someone else said to him. When he's speaking his mind it inevitably comes out as word salad.
I noticed this from a speech he was making using a teleprompter. He was understandable. He got turned off by it though, and decided to ad lib it. When he did that he went to default mode.
by Zoos inin 1967 i had the misfortune of being born with a watchtower stuck in my ass.
it took 45 years for me to realize, "hey!
there's a watchtower stuck in my ass!
Village Idiot
Nice metaphor Zoos.
It took me 8 years. Part of it may have been the fact that I wasn't born in and had an idea of what independence was like. However, I was 14 when I joined so it made a major impact on my life. It helped that I came in on my own volition; no family in the religion.
Fourteen to twenty one. My curiosity got me in; my curiosity got me out.
Jehovah sure loves foreskins!
by rebel8 inan atheist (never jw) friend of mine is an rv for a jw who he is trying to deprogram.
he started this totally on his own and just telling me about it.
it's quite amusing what he comes up with.. point 1: why the s & m stuff with foreskins?
Village Idiot
....what is the WTS position on circumcision of men in their organization?
If I recall, they say that it's up to the parents to make that decision.
Russia to liquidate Jehovah's Witnesses' organization
by processor inhttp://starconnectmedia.com/2017/01/19/russia-gets-go-ahead-to-liquidate-jehovahs-witnesses-organisation/.
Village Idiot
I've seen videos of Pentecostal churches demolished in Russia by the government. Vladimer Putin has made the Russian Orthodox church the official religion (Even though he has allowed Sharia and polygamous marriage in Chechnya!!!).
What is done to the Witnesses is not acceptable since it can be - is being - done to many religions.
In Russia they cannot have a prayer group in a person's own home and those who do are in fear of the authorities finding out.
Village Idiot
never a jw
His presidency will be better than left wingers anticipate, but not as good as right wingers predict. Most of his controversial promises were pure demagoguery, not much to worry about.
Right Wingers will be happy to have just a few of their dreams fulfilled and the anticipation of Left Wingers is plenty accurate short of nuclear war with Russia.
Trump is being puppeteered by his VP and his staff who will make the important decisions for him. The people he has placed in office are horrendous to anyone who knows the most basic thing about the alt-right.
He is unprepared to be president??, so were most presidents, and somehow we made it through. We will be fine. Pendulums always come back from their highest positions.
I think that the gulf between Trump's unpreparedness and those who are much better than he is gross just by virtue of his character. He will learn nothing from his Presidency just as he has learned nothing of importance from the human race.
As for the pendulum swinging, just imagine it heading straight for you as in a ball breaker.
No, we will not be fine.